020: Facebook Contests with ManyChat and Messenger

A free print giveaway, $150 in ad spend, and 400 messenger subscribers... all in a week.

#01 - Artist Mathieu Laca

Mathieu's Website : English Version or French Version.

#02 - The Van Gogh Print

Here is the print he used for the giveaway:

#03 - Two Organic Posts

One on Facebook and one on Instagram.

Facebook Post

Instagram Post

Notice on the Facebook post we asked entrants to tag a friend to enter.  For Instagram, we can't integrate ManyChat the same way. Instead of commenting to enter, Laca's followers just had to click a link in his bio to enter the flow directly in Messenger.

#04 - ManyChat Growth Tools

We have two growth tools running. (If you have no idea what Manychat is then listen to this episode first and then come back)

  1. The Facebook Comments growth tool which works in conjunction with the Facebook Post
  2. The Messenger Ref URL  growth tool that works in conjunction with the Instagram Post

Below is an interactive embed of the Facebook Comments Growth Tool and Flow we used. Click and drag below to explore it. Not only can you make this baby full screen and zoom in and out, but you can also preview it and go through the flow yourself in Messenger.

The flow first asks folks what language they speak, and then sends them a video of Mathieu talking about the contest. Then, a follow-up message gives them the details about the contest itself.

As a last step, it routes folks to his website to take a look at his current exhibition (no dead ends ever).

The Messenger Ref URL Growth Tool uses the exact same Flow, it's just activated by clicking a link (in the Insta bio) as opposed to .

#05 - The Facebook and Instagram Ad Spend.

As I referenced in the podcast episode.  The spend was limited to "Warm Traffic."

 #06 - The Results (Part 1)


400 Facebook Messenger Subscribers


308 New Facebook Fan Page Fans


150 New Instagram Followers


50 New Email Addresses

The Cost?

- $40 for the print shipped
- $150 for the ads
- $200 all in - that's 50¢ per FB Messenger


 #07 - The Hustle

Can't begin to underscore how hard Mathieu worked to achieve these results.  How hard did he work?

When you run yours we strongly advocate you take the same course of action.  Respond to everybody.

 #08 - The Playbook at the End

We borrowed some tradecraft from the Holiday Art Marketing Playbook and applied it to the contest.

 We created a broadcast in Manychat and sent it to everybody that entered the contest.  Attached to that broadcast was the flow you see below. 

(Disclaimer: There is a bit more going on in that flow above.  Subject for another podcast, stay tuned.)

For now, focus on the discount we offered – 30% off prints, and scarcity (the deal expires)

 #09 - The Results (Part 2)


400 Facebook Messenger Subscribers


13 Prints Sold


8 New Customers


$555 in Revenue

Suffice to say both Mathieu and I were completely fired up over the results!


Read the transcribe

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