Why Should I Import My Email List Into Facebook?

The most valuable marketing channel for print studios and artists, putting your email list to work, and how to import it into Facebook as a custom audience.

That’s a good question, but let me start by asking a different one.

What Is Your Most Valuable Marketing Channel?

Can you answer that question immediately?

While your answers may vary depending on your unique business situation, email marketing should be, according to just about every marketing study out there, at the top of the list.

Most of the studies, polls, and case studies out there pretty much all list Email Marketing at the top or at the very least in the top three most valuable marketing channels available today.

email list facebook

Pro Tip: You need to be growing your email list.

What most of the those studies tend to omit however is that your email list provides other great opportunities aside from just email marketing.

Yep, think native Americans and the buffalo. You need to use every part or in this case, opportunity.

One such opportunity and the subject of today’s post is how to leverage your email list for laser targeted ads on Facebook – by the way, you can do this on Twitter and other platforms as well.

Today, we are going to focus on Facebook.

We have been spending a fair amount of time on the blog lately covering advertising on Facebook.

Our first two posts have been geared towards giving you the information and the steps you need to setup a checkout goal on Facebook and how to install a re-marketing pixel on your Art Storefronts site.

Those are the first two legs of the stool and today is number 3.

With all three in place, you will have the proper foundation necessary to start advertising on Facebook and do so successfully right out of the gates.

email list facebook zuckerberg

We are not talking about spray and pray over here or boosting posts. Zuckerberg has enough $ as is without you giving him any more of it.

If you are going to advertise on Facebook the key is laser targeting your campaigns and knowing how to measure success.

So let’s complete the stool.

How To Import Your Email List in Facebook and Create a Custom Audience

Step 1: Export your email list and get it all together in a spreadsheet or document. Does not matter what size it is or what shape its in. The bigger it is the better.

So export out of your contact manager, gather your business cards, scrape your personal email, even grab friends and family.

Remember this is Facebook, you are not just advertising for the sale but you are also advertising for shares and likes! Both of which can lead to future sales.

Step 2: Login to Facebook and get into your ads manager (if you have not done this yet reference this post).

email list facebook login

Step 3: Click on the “Ads Manager” icon ☰.

email list facebook ads manager

Step 4: Click on “All Tools” and then click on “Audiences” under the “Assets” category.

email list facebook audiences

Step 5: Click “Create Audience” in the upper left hand corner.

email list facebook create audience

Step 6: Select “Custom Audience” from the drop down menu.

email list facebook custom audience

Step 7: Click on “Customer File.”

email list facebook customer file

Step 8: Then, click on “Add customers from your own file or copy and paste data.”

email list facebook add customers

Step 9: You can upload a file if you like or you can copy and paste.

If your list is huge better upload. If not copy and paste will do just fine. Paste it in and create audience.

After uploading your customer information, name your audience something you will remember.

email list facebook name audience

Pro Tip: This needs to be a regular repeated activity. Get more emails and import them in batches as you go.

Next Steps For Facebook

Nice work, your stool is now complete!

excited anchor man

Now comes the fun part.

Time to start remarketing.

We explain how to get started in this setup guide.

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Our secret sauce for Facebook Ads - Hint you can use it too. says

[…] have authored posts covering how to setup your remarketing pixel, how to track conversions, how to import your email list, and we covered some assumptions about selling on Facebook and the basics of a […]

How to Resend Email to Unopens and why its a good idea. says

[…] gathering email addresses all the time; both online and off, as well as regularly importing your email list into Facebook and showing those folks your latest […]

Explode your email list with lead magnets. How to create one and why you need to. - Art Storefronts Blog says

[…] at ASF we have blogged about Email Marketing Art,  Why you need to import your email list into Facebook, and even the Anatomy of Art Sales Email. […]

016: New, Shocking Way to Build Your Email List (It's Not) says

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An Intro to Facebook Traffic | Art Marketing Podcast says

[…] the blog to learn how to import your email list into a Facebook […]

How to Turn a One-time Buyer into a Loyal Customer – Visiture says

[…] resonant ads to serve to first-time buyers. Since both Facebook and Google enable advertisers to upload email lists to their respective ad platforms, you can serve up highly personalized content to just those […]

62 Resources for Part-Time Photographers & Fine Artists says

[…] Why Should I Import My Email List Into Facebook? […]

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