Copywriting Audit

A Copywriting Audit – In-Depth Breakdown of an Artist’s Website

An art website copywriting audit, basic web copy tweaks that will help you get better results and convert more browsers into buyers.

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brick and click marketing

From Brick to Click: The Key Strategy for Retailers with a Physical Presence

How to navigate bringing an existing retail business into the online art selling world to create an all-encompassing brick to click marketing strategy.

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Site Optimization, Lesson 2 – Navigation Bar Design and the Buyer’s Mindset

    The Case Study Results After implementing the techniques discussed in this video, see how Madaras Gallery improved their bounce rates by 400%, and how they dramatically increased the number of people who actually started the shopping process rather than immediately leaving their website on the first visit. Video Highlights 00:45 – Reviewing’s […]

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Customer acquisition reports

[new feature] Sales & Customer Acquisition Reports

A new pair of reports available to ASF customers that make it easier than ever to track where your customers are coming from.

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Site Optimization, Lesson 1 – Your Home Page Should be a Gallery of Subject Matter Categories

Site Optimization, Lesson 1 – Your Home Page Should be a Gallery of Subject Matter Categories 9:39 The Case Study Results After implementing the techniques discussed in this video, see how Madaras Gallery improved their bounce rates by 400%, and how they dramatically increased the number of people who actually started the shopping process rather […]

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key conversions

6 Data Hacks to Create Valuable Repeat Customers

Identifying the six conversions that should matter most to print studios, and how to turn a site visitor into a lead, then a customer, then a repeat customer, by eliminating bottlenecks in your eCommerce buying process.

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trust badges

[new feature] Trust Badges

Announcing the new, custom trust bar, some research on trust badges, and why adding them to your site can increase your credibility and raise conversion rates.

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3 Effective Copywriting Hacks Artists can use to Sell More Art Online

Copywriting hacks for artists – techniques to reach your target audience, educate them about your work and niche, and create a strong call to action.

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Art Storefronts Story

The Journey: Learning How to Sell Art Online

The journey we took to learn how to sell art online, the problem in the industry we’ve fixed, and how our unique combination of software, education, and community is leading artists down a path to creative and financial success.

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art storefronts themes

Major Design Updates – Introducing Themes 2.0

Introducing ASF Themes 2.0 – a major update to our theme collection that includes two sleek, modern themes that take advantage of the full width of monitors and make your images look great.

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Sell More Art Online

If we can't teach you, no one can!