Talk Directly with Art Storefronts Members

Talk Directly with Art Storefronts MembersFor the first time ever, we are hosting a live broadcast where you can talk directly with current Art Storefronts members. You’ll hear about their experiences on the platform straight from them. And, of course, we’ll be there too to offer some marketing advice on the fly. Request a Demo […]

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How Art Storefronts Helps You Market Your Artwork

How Art Storefronts Helps You Market Your ArtworkCurious what makes Art Storefronts different?Our art marketing program is the most extensive available ANYWHERE for artists and photographers. In this video, our CEO shows you what it’s all about.

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FB Live: How Art Storefronts Can Get You More Traffic and Exposure

FB Live: How Art Storefronts Can Get You More Traffic and ExposureIf nobody sees your art, you’re not going to sell much. That’s why marketing is the most important part of your business, your biggest priority, the one thing you should make sure you have a solution for — and that’s why we are doing […]

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42: Instagram Live – How to Do It and Why You Should

42: Instagram Live – How to Do It and Why You ShouldAfter running 50+ livestreams in the past couple of months, we’ve realized it might be the best possible way for artists and photographers to bring in free attention right now. Subscribe Show Notes Rate and Review the Art Marketing Podcast on iTunesMore episodes of […]

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#13 The Virus Has Changed How Art/Photography Is Sold

#13 The Virus Has Changed How Art/Photography Is SoldAn open office hours session for our members to ask any and all questions they have on the running and marketing of their art/photo businesses during the pandemic. SHOW NOTESVIDEO: The #1 Metric of Every Art and Photography BusinessMegh on Instagram and her website023: How Artist Megh Knappenberger […]

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#11 Selling Art in America 2.0

#11 Marketing Your Art in “America 2.0″A “new normal” is coming for the art industry and America as a whole, and independent artists and photographers who start preparing TODAY will play a huge role in it. SHOW NOTESDaily Notable Art Sales (from the COVID-19 Era)Your Art Marketing New Years’ Resolution: Move Your Attention AroundVIDEO: The […]

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#10 Art and Photography Marketing During a Crisis

#10 Art and Photography Marketing During a CrisisAn open office hours session for our members to ask any and all questions they have on the running and marketing of their art/photo businesses during the pandemic. HIGHLIGHTSComing soon!We’ll update this area after the live broadcast with a few of our favorite clips from the show. For […]

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ARTISTS: Are you thinking like a startup? Your success depends on it

ARTISTS: Are you thinking like a startup? Your success depends on itStruggling to get consistent sales as an independent photographer or artist?Don’t resign yourself to the path of the “struggling artist” – with a simple change in mindset, you can start building an art business that will last. OUR FACEBOOK LIVE SCHEDULE Tuesdays and Thursdays: […]

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#8 Art Marketing While On Lockdown

#8 Art Marketing While On LockdownAn open office hours session for our members to ask any and all questions they have on the running and marketing of their art/photo businesses during the pandemic. SHOW NOTESIf you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.— Richard Feynman (@ProfFeynman) […]

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pandemic art industry

Art Is Still Selling In the COVID-19 Era

SELLING ARTArt Is Still Selling In the COVID-19 EraIn this time of uncertainty, at least one tradition has remained true: fine art and photography continue to offer essential relief from the stresses of everyday life.Many independent photographers and artists are hurting right now. If you are not already set up to sell online through your own […]

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If we can't teach you, no one can!