How to Add Google Analytics Goals to your Art Storefronts Site

Google Analytics goals, why you need them, and how to add them to your Art Storefronts site.

You ever have a lemonade stand as a kid?

I did.

My neighborhood buddy and I had a busy street corner, a table, a sign, cups, a glass jar for money, and store-bought lemonade.

Not a terribly profitable endeavor – pretty sure we charged less for the lemonade then it cost to buy it in the first place – but you know what, we had a goal.

To fill that glass jar up with money.

We knew how to measure that goal as well, a quick visual inspection of the clear glass jar and we knew how we were doing. At the end of the day, the jar was full and the lemonade was gone – we completed our goal.

As simple as that sounds, the same principle applies to your online business.

I know what you are saying.

I have goals. I look at my merchant account or bank account and I know how I am doing.

And that’s a great start.

But where did the web traffic come from that accomplished those goals?

Do you know?

My first piece of advice to any new client or prospect looking for marketing advice for their website is to install Google Analytics. We recently covered this in a post. 2015-04-21-set-goals

Having access to where your web traffic is coming from, how long they stay on your site, and what pages they visit is critical to running a successful web business.

Unfortunately, Google Analytics out of the box does not track goals.

You can login and get a quick visual look at your proverbial glass jar and see how you are doing – but, like back at the lemonade stand, you’re only seeing whether the jar is full or empty. It’s still not telling you exactly which visitors are contributing to the bottom line of your business, where they came from, or how they got there.

Thats where setting up goals comes in.

Setting up your business objectives and goals is the first and most important step towards your success online. Without them, you are flying blind.

What are Google Analytics Goals?

Succinctly, they are actions that your users take that you measure as conversions.

They can be a wide range of actions: visiting a webpage, adding an item to a shopping cart, clicking a button, subscribing to email updates, or a certain amount of time spent on your website.

In future posts, we are going to get really granular on goals and will walk you through getting to a ninja level at your tracking, for now though, let’s focus on the basics.

Two goals:

  • Completed Sales (checkouts)
  • Adding products to a shopping cart (added to cart)

How to Setup Conversion goals for Your Art Storefronts Store in Google Analytics


Prefer Photos?

If watching the video tutorial is not your thing, you can follow the steps in screenshots below instead.

Step 1: Login to Google Analytics and click on Admin


Step 2: Click new Goal


Step 3: Select the Goal Type & click Next Step (not shown in photo)


Step 4: Choose Regular Expression enter in the following text exactly


Then click the blue Create Goal


Step 5: One Goal Down… nice work. Let’s add another. Click New Goal


Step 6: Choose custom goal this time and click Next Step.


Step 7: Name it “Added to Cart” and choose destination and click Next Step


Step 8: Select Regular Expression as the goal type and paste the EXACT code below


Then click Create Goal


Step 9: Congratulations


What did you just do?

You created two goals.

Checkout – This will be triggered every time you have a completed order on your site.

Added to Cart – This goal will be triggered every time an item is added to a cart. This will track when folks are putting items in their cart but not completing their purchases so you can begin to understand why.

In future posts, we will go over what you can do with these new goals and the data they provide. In the meantime, they are setup and gathering data, nice work.

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Quick question, what % is your mobile traffic? says

[…] have just authored posts about setting up GA, Goals in GA, and how to block yourself from GA […]

Case Study #01 - Testimonials Increase Conversion Rates says

[…] Baby step number 1 and 2 are first. Install Google Analytics on your site and configure your Google Analytics Goals. Once installed you need a baseline of data of at least let’s say 15 sales or so for this to […]

How to Add a Cropping Goal in GA says

[…] another previous post — How to Add Google Analytics Goals to your Art Storefronts Site — we outlined how to setup your first two goals in GA which are the Added to Cart Goal and […]

Google Analytics Link Tagging - Measure everything!! says

[…] you are an ASF customer, you have hopefully read our posts on setting up goals in GA. If you are on another platform then I hope you have goals setup as […]

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