How to Obtain the Lifestyle You Want as a Full-Time Photographer

Click for sound How to Obtain the Lifestyle You Want as a Full-Time Photographer Dispelling the “get rich quick” photographer fantasy once and for all, and a look at what full-time photographers are actually doing to obtain the lifestyle they want.

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Writing with Personality

Copywriting with Personality: How to Set Your Artist Website Apart Online

How to convey warmth and approachability on your art website to make your work more memorable, plus we look at several examples of effective copywriting with personality.

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print-on-demand service

[new feature] Our Print-on-Demand Service Pays You Immediately, & More

[new feature] Our Print-on-Demand Service Pays You ImmediatelyAn overview of our fulfillment options, a little bit about our highly-vetted fulfillment partners, and how our advanced Print-On-Demand service (otherwise known as our Automated Fulfillment service) works to pay artists immediately while giving them robust shipping options.

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artist self-promotion

Promoting Your Art: 4 Articles to Help Artists Authentically Market Themselves

Stumped on promoting your art? Check out four of our favorite articles for artists contemplating how to best go about the necessary task of self-promotion.

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[new feature] Lead Capture Enhancement – Automated Expiration Reminders

A brand new update to our lead capture tool, send automation emails right from the dash, start lassoing new customers today.

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How to Write a Headline that Sells Art Online.

Headlines that sell more art, what they look like and how important they are, and a number of different tips/hacks to improve yours.

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Case Study #05 – The Lead Capture Tool, discounts, emails, scarcity and a 455% increase in conversion rates

A step by step recipe you can use on your site, to drastically increase the conversion rate for first time buyers. Study resulted in a 455% increase in conversion rates.

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how to write an effective email

The Anatomy of an Effective Artist Romance Email

The successful art seller doesn’t just send emails to their audience with continual discount offers. Instead, they romance them in between offers. Learn how to build a list, what to send them, and a full breakdown of an effective “Romance Email”.

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Unique selling proposition

How To Determine Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) In An Oversaturated Market

To stand out from the crowd as an artist, you have to first identify what makes you different – how to do that, and examples of unique selling propositions.

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animated product images

[new feature] Animated Product Images

Set your online store apart from the rest and bring your art to life with newly-supported animated GIFs.

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