#7 Getting Your Art Business Off the Ground

#7 Getting Your Art Business Off the GroundOur advice for new or struggling art businesses with FEWER THAN 10 SALES under their belts. How to grow your audience from scratch and bring in those first few sales. SHOW NOTESVIDEO: The #1 Metric of Every Art and Photography BusinessGoogle AdsPREMIUM RESOURCES (ASF MEMBERS)Step-by-Step Guide to Collaborating with […]

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coronavirus art industry

A message from Art Storefronts CEO Nick Friend

MARCH 18, 2020A Message from Art Storefronts CEO Nick FriendOur statement on COVID-19 and what we have done to help independent artists maintain their livelihoods in this uncertain time.The coronavirus will impact every industry, and unfortunately this means the art industry will be impacted as well.How exactly? Given that festivals have already canceled, major sporting […]

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starving artist

What “Starving Artist” REALLY Means In 2020

What “Starving Artist” REALLY Means In 2020Watch out for this age-old crutch – it may just be the one thing holding you back.

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Dispelling the SEO Myth in 4 Minutes

Dispelling the SEO Myth in 4 MinutesIt’s been over 10 years since many business professionals realized search engine optimization (SEO) had run its course as a viable strategy.Yet to this day, leagues of artists and photographers tell us they are considering investing in costly SEO workshops and consultants under the assumption that doing so will […]

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Successful OFFLINE but Struggling with ONLINE Sales?

#2 Successful OFFLINE but Struggling with ONLINE Sales?In this live artist workshop, Nick Friend (CEO + Owner) and Patrick Shanahan (Head of Marketing) give our members their best advice on converting offline momentum at art shows into online sales. SHOW NOTESVIDEO: The #1 Metric of Every Art and Photography BusinessPODCAST: How to Collect Email Addresses OfflinePODCAST: […]

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Julie Gets Her Online Art Business Headed in the Right Direction | Customer Calls

Julie Gets Her Art Business Headed in the Right Direction | Customer CallsArtist Julie Robertson has had some success offline at art shows and farmers markets – now the struggle is how to grow that offline success into a sustainable, consistent online art business.In this call, our CEO and Head of Marketing offer Julie advice […]

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#1 Art Startup Workshop: Advice for New and Struggling Art/Photo Businesses

Art Startup Workshop: Advice for New and Struggling Art/Photo BusinessesIf you just started your art business, have sold less than $5,000 of art in the last year, or are just struggling to get traction, this conversation is for you.  SHOW NOTESThe #1 Metric for Art Businesses Customer Call: Judith Ponders Investing in SEOCustomer Call: Zann Searches […]

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The #1 Metric of Every Art and Photography Business

The #1 Metric of Every Art and Photography BusinessIn this video, I share the metric that will FOREVER change the way you think about your art business.If you’re looking for faster success, this is the only thing you should be focusing on – starting today.

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artist SEO

Judith Ponders Investing in SEO | Customer Calls

Judith Ponders Investing in SEO | Customer CallsJust hire an SEO firm to optimize your art website, get on the first page of search results for your niche, and start raking in the sales, right? In this customer call, we lay out why this approach isn’t the most effective way to spend your time or your […]

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artist advice

Zann Searches for Ways to Scale Her Pet Portrait Business | Customer Calls

Zann Searches for Ways to Scale Her Pet Portrait Business | Customer CallsFocus on prints? Double down on commissioned originals? And what about a wildcard like…guerrilla marketing at dog parks? Zann Hemphill works through her options with Art Storefronts leadership in this success call.

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