Art Buyer AI

Our Artificial intelligence finds likely art buyers for you.

art storefronts artificial inteligience

Want to see what Art Buyer AI can do for your art sales?

What Our Customers Are Saying

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~90% of your site visitors will never purchase. The artificial intelligence shows you a list of only the ~10% that you have a shot with.


Art Buyer AI shows you who your likely buyers are before they even add anything to their cart.


Your Art Buyer AI report will show you exactly what each art buyer has done on your site. Which images they viewed, which tools they used, and whether they've purchased from you in the past.


If we have the art buyer's email address, we include it in your report. One click and you're writing them a personal note - the most effective way to build relationships with collectors and close sales.

Learn More About Art Buyer AI

A deeper look at how Art Buyer AI works, why we created it, and how it helps photographers and artists close more sales. 

Who is Art Storefronts?

We help artists and photographers to open and run their own art gallery, online.

First, we provide you with your own proper art gallery website.
Second, we provide you with all the back-office tools to run the gallery website.
Third, we provide a structured marketing plan and ongoing coaching to maximize success.

Ready for the Future of Selling Art?

When a collector is browsing around your site, checking out your work, using your visualization tools, you need to know about it.

Your ability to close sales and earn lifetime customers depends on it.

With Art Buyer AI, your website is like a robot working tirelessly for you like an assistant - helping you know where to spend your limited time and energy most effectively. 

This is a revolutionary technology that is only available at Art Storefronts.

Ready to see what Art Storefronts can do for you?


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If we can't teach you, no one can!