How Can You Land More Clients As A Photographer

How Can You Land More Clients As A Photographer

When it comes to working as a photographer, we’ll probably already be aware that the only way we’re going to make it professionally is by getting many more clients. The problem is of course, this industry is massive and there’s a lot of competition.

However, if you recognize some basic steps like knowing your market and improving your exposure, you should be able to increase your potential client base which can continue to grow. 

But how exactly would this work? What specifically do you need to do? We’ve got all the answers with the helpful guide. 

We’ll look at some of the top tips for how you can land more clients as a photographer and why these tips might work in practice. 

So, if you think you need help in this area – read on to learn much more! 

[1] Targeting The Right Audience 

Before you started out as a photographer, you will likely have done some research to try to identify who your target audience would be. However, there are some steps that many budding photographers take that often go in the wrong direction here. 

The fact of the matter is, when you first start out – you will likely have a very diverse range of clients that don’t really “fit” as a target audience. You can’t hone in and claim them in the same grouped name. 

However, once your photography starts to get a little more successful, you will of course have more and more clients – but then it stagnates. This is when you really need to start considering where your target audience is going to land. Who is it going to be?

When you’re making this decision, you are going to need to create a compelling brand that is both consistent and strong. This allows you to showcase your brand’s identity and then attract the clientele that you are specifically trying to reach and target. 

For example, let’s say you are going to be a wedding photographer. Your target audience is likely going to be brides-to-be and other members of the wedding community such as dress shops and event planners. 

To show the seriousness of your business, be sure at this point that you have a strong brand identity and you utilize the right marketing techniques for promotion (which we will get into later). 

[2] Understand Audience Behavior 

Understanding audience behavior is very useful when it comes to getting more clients because it allows you to tap into the potential market that you might already have missed.

In order to do this of course, you will need to be very active and familiar with using social media sites. Check what your audience is searching for using hashtag searches, use the analytics tool for your website (if you do not know how, you can outsource this). 

One of the best and most simple ways you can do this though is by getting your existing clientele to complete surveys or questionnaires. You can get the information you are looking for by sending out email newsletters and then collating this data for a better viewpoint. 

This point is not just about understanding what platforms your audience is using or even what photographs they are most engaging with – but it’s also about understanding what format your audience prefers.

For example, your audience might prefer digital communications, or you might have an audience that is very “traditional” and prefers paper communications. This can help you shape your marketing strategy.

How Can You Land More Clients As A Photographer

[3] Use Relevant Platforms 

Depending on which type of photography you are into, you will need to consider what the best type of platform would work to extend your reach to get more clients. Let’s say for example, you are involved with food photography.

If this is the case, using Instagram will be a very good tool and platform to use. Many users already engage with food photography on this platform and Instagram is one of the best platforms for the finished product. 

On top of this, Instagram is very easy to tap into an extended client base by assessing trends and sliding into them. For example, a hashtag like #foodfridays can be a gold mine. All you need to do is create a relevant post and include this hashtag. 

In fact, the benefits of using the right platforms that are as basic and simple as Instagram can help you save a lot of time and money on things like advertising and marketing strategies. 

[4] Networking Events

You will find plenty of networking events that happen pretty much everyday and pretty much everywhere. All you need to do is contact the organizer and usually pay a small fee. 

Once you have booked your spot, be sure to create a compelling presentation that outlines exactly who you are, what your brand is, what you specialize in and what you offer.

Networking allows you to broadcast not only your work, but also your personality and this can be invaluable when it comes to getting extra clients. On top of this, networking events might allow you to make business connections for extra work.

For example, you might meet with a local newspaper reporter or advertising team, or you may meet someone who is about to embark on a huge event or charity event which you could do some work for. 

At this point, it’s a good idea to offer a photoshoot to really become personable with the potential clients here – and above all else, be sure that you have materials such as your business card to reinforce your presentation.

This will also help you later as these clients will remember who you are and have your contact information which can get you more potential clients.

[5] Incentivize 

Offering incentives for your clients is a great way to get more business and potentially new clients in the process. One such incentive can be 25% off your service if you refer a friend and they make a purchase. 

This not only gets you business and more clients, but it also advertises your brand and allows you to become much more well known through word of mouth. In turn, you should also notice more traffic to your website. 

This is especially true if your incentive has a digital implication (such as you must sign up for email alerts). In fact, this is a great idea because it allows you to send free advertising later down the line which could generate more sales. 

It’s important to note at this point though that you cannot offer an incentive strategy if you cannot afford to do so. Therefore, you must do your costing before you offer a discount plan or anything similar. 

It’s a good idea to do some research on your competitors to see what they are offering at the time and always try to tap into specific discount times, such as Christmas. 

Final Thoughts 

Getting extra clients might seem a little tricky at first glance, but some of these steps should help you get there a little easier! 


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