The Complete Guide

How to leverage FB ads to sell art and photography online.

With these videos you'll learn:

  • How to get started running ads on FB; start to finish
  • How to create the "right" audiences
  • How to combine email + social + ads to create attention



Why this works


What you create


Language you use


Social post(s)


Who to target


Objective, ad group, ad


The content on this page is all built upon a podcast episode that explains the why. Why this technique works, why you need to start here, why you need to use it.  

If you have not already heard it, start by listening in below. 

If you prefer to read it you can do that too.


It all starts with the content. In this case a blog post that lives on his website.

You can see the original post here.

The most important part is that the content is NOT a sales pitch. Share your work, talk about your process, or tell a story.

A screenshot of the blog post

Important Note

The content has no language about sales.  There is no "50% off buy now" language.  It's just content.


Here is an example email that teases the content that you would send to your entire list

You can see the โ€‹original email here.

You write the email and you blast your list.

Screenshot of the Mailchimp email

Important Note

You email your entire list just a teaser of the content. Get them excited to read the post and provide a link to it. 


Here is a regular old Facebook post, posted to his feed, again just like the email, teasing the content with a link back to the blog post.

Here is the link to the actual post.

Just like the email, the post teases the content but uses slightly different language than the email.

Screenshot of the actual Facebook Post

Important Note

Just post the link. No link shorteners like bit.ly or goo.gl Just post a clean link like you can see in the example above.


The biggest problem you have when getting started with FB ads is having a WARM audience large enough to show ads to.  This will help you get there.

Some of the videos below will apply directly to you and others will not. Follow all of the audience creation tutorials that apply to you, you can skip the ones that don't.

Your first step is to create all of these individual audiences and later we will combine them all into one, the "kitchen sink audience."

To start, we will create individual audiences from the following:

Email subscribers
Offline lists or databases

Website visitors
Facebook Page engagement

Instagram engagement
Family, friends and colleagues

How to Export Your Email Subscribers from Mailchimp

This audience is created by exporting all of the subscribers you have on your email list. Here is an example of how to do this if you use Mailchimp as your email service provider.

Important Note

If your email database has additional values (first name, last name, city, zip code, etc.) make sure to export everything you have as the additional information will help FB with the match rate.

How to Create a FB Audience From Your Email Subscribers

Now with our .csv file in hand from Mailchimp (or other ESP), we are going to upload the list to Facebook and create an audience of our email subscribers.

How To Create an FB Ads Audience from an Offline List or Database

What if you have an "old school" paper list or any other style of database?

This can be old receipts, an old address book, email sign-ups from an art show.  Any group of people you have that you feel would be interested in your art or photography.

Here is the link to the Google Doc I mentioned in the video above. Go to File > Make a Copy and then you can start populating it with the data you have. 

Important Note

You can create this audience even if you DO NOT have their email address. If you have a database of just names, address and phone numbers or any combination. Its worth uploading it. FB can and will surprise you on how it can match data to profiles.

How to Create an FB Ads Audience from Website Visitors

(you must have the Facebook Pixel installed on your website for this to work)

This audience will allow you to target your past website visitors.

How to Create an FB Ads Engagement Audience of your FB Page

(must be a Facebook Business Page and NOT a personal Page)

This audience will be created from folks that have engaged (clicked a link, liked, shared, commented, etc.) with your FB Business Page.

How to Create an Instagram Profile Engagement Audience

(must be an Instagram Business profile and NOT a personal profile)

This audience will be created from folks that have engaged (liked, commented, shared ,etc.) with your Instagram profile.

BONUS - How to Create a Facebook Audience of Family, Friends, and Colleagues

Stated another way, anybody you know that would support you. This is a good hack if you are just getting started. Even if they would never buy a piece, they will like, comment, and share your posts which will help you reach new people and build momentum early on.

Here is the link to the Google Doc I mentioned in the video above. Go to File > Make a Copy and then you can start populating it with the data you have.

THE Campaign

The ad group and the ad.

Now we create the campaign, set the budget, the targeting, and create the ad.

We follow this exact process week in and week out.

How to Create The Campaign, Ad Group, and Ad

We made it. Now we have our audiences in hand and it's time to create our campaign, ad group, and ad.  We will set our conversion objective, targeting, and placements.

The video will show you what to touch and what to leave alone:


That's it.


Bottom line is you don't know what you don't know...

  • Will email subscribers (referred to as "leads" in FB) be the best conversion for me?
  • Is my audience big enough to spend $10 per day? Or is $5 a day more my speed?
  • What is my cost per unique click?
  • Are people adding products to their shopping cart?
  • What is the best way to approach the language and images for my ads?
  • What is my cost per email address?

You won't know these things โ€” no one can tell you either โ€” till you run things for a few weeks and most importantly you run this on a few different pieces of content.

After a few weeks ($5 per day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks = $140) you will start to get the hang of things, you will have some data in hand, and you will be able to compare your ads to each other.

With that experience under your belt, you'll be in a good place to take the next step and start doing the advanced stuff.

Things like

  • Advanced tracking
  • Setting up reports in the Ads Manager
  • Additional audience options
  • Platform-specific content
  • Budget adjustments
  • Additional campaign objectives

Feel like you are ready for the advanced stuff?  

Tell me ๐Ÿ‘ˆโ€‹


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