The Strategy Behind a $500,000 Art Business

What you do TODAY = Your success tomorrow

The Strategy Behind a $500,000 Art Business

The Million Dollar Artist is no longer a dream.

It's no longer just the ultra-famous, once-in-a-generation star.

It's regular people, working from home to grow their art businesses online.

If you've ever fantasized about having a line of collectors waiting to buy your new work, you may be surprised at what it takes to get there.

"Discovered" by a major magazine? Nope.

Winning a major prize at a juried art show? Nope.

Getting into a big gallery? Nope.

Our members have experienced all of these wins and more, and none of it truly moved the needle. 

In fact, they never found consistent success until they focused on something most struggling artists and photographers pay almost no attention to:

Marketing their work. 

Creating great work is one thing, but selling it successfully is an entirely different undertaking.

You'll need to address the same two specific things that every single artist or photographer must confront before they can hope to reach $100,000 a year in sales.

These two particular things are fundamental to success in the art industry, yet the overwhelming majority of artists and photographers are completely missing one or both.

So – Do you want to sell more art this year?

Build a more valuable art business?

Ensure that you are NOT going down the wrong path, like so many other art sellers?

Make sure you get these 2 things right.

The Formula for Success

Photographer William Drew (Art Storefronts member since 2017) increased his print sales by +807% year over year.

megh knappenberger

Artist Megh Knappenberger (Art Storefronts member since 2017) sold $50,000+ of art her first holiday season

In our time working with thousands of highly successful artists and photographers over the years, we've deconstructed what is making them so successful. It comes down to just 2 things:



That's it.

Seriously, that's it.

Think about it: if you have a marketing plan that generates new customers, and a properly-designed website that closes every possible sale, what else do you need?


With just these 2 things, there is nothing stopping you from being successful. 

With these 2 things, you can finally solve the problem of earning consistent monthly sales from your art.

#1: It All Starts With A Website*


The art buying process is incredibly visual. To sell art online, you need to take the offline gallery experience and move it online - and not just any old website will do.

A proper, art gallery website feels like walking into a retail art gallery.

There's art on the wall, and it's clearly for sale.

This is in direct contrast to most artist websites, which are set up like image portfolios. These websites feel more like flipping through a coffee table book than entering a shop where the products can actually be purchased. 

If your website isn't designed specifically
to sell your won't.

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.


Your own art gallery

Art Storefronts allows you to be your own art gallery so you aren't dependent on other galleries. You don't have to wait to be discovered, or called, or emailed by any galleries. You don't have to fit any of their aesthetics. You are your own gallery.

Mathieu Laca Artist

Furthermore, a proper art gallery website has a host of powerful features that are designed to handle all the possible questions and objections art buyers face when making a buying decision:

I can't tell what size print would look best on my wall...

❌ No Sale

Canvas gallery wrap, metal, acrylic...I don't know what any of these media types actually look like...
❌ No Sale

I love it, but I need my spouse to sign off. I'll have to remember to come back later...

❌ No Sale

I'm not sure how this piece will look with my paint color, furniture, other artwork, etc.

❌ No Sale

This is a lot of money, how do I even know I can trust this artist with my order?

❌ No Sale

An art gallery website like the ones provided by Art Storefronts have features that would have saved each and every one of those lost sales.

Want to learn more about all of the 30+ features an Art Storefronts website offers?

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.

After years of struggle, Bill Stidham (Art Storefronts member since 2016) sold over $17,000 his first holiday season on Art Storefronts

Painter Jim Pescott (Art Storefronts member since 2017) earned his first ever online sale through his Art Storefronts site

#2: A Marketing Plan That Works


Sure, you'll need the right website to turn your site visitors into collectors, but how do you bring those visitors to your site in the first place?

Many photographers and artists waste years of their professional lives trying to figure this part out.

Jim Livingston (Art Storefronts member since 2018) recently sold two 12' murals using Live Preview w/ Augmented Reality

An effective art marketing strategy requires:

  • Consistent, on-going content marketing via email and social media
  • Frequent print giveaways
  • Strategic promotions centered around holidays
  • An advertising strategy designed to maximize your return
  • An analytics system that allows you to track the progress of your campaigns and react accordingly

Not quite as inspiring as creating art, right?

And yet, without it, earning a reliable, consistent living from your art will be nearly impossible.

Here's how we've solved this problem:

The Marketing Resource Vault


Everything you need to run successful marketing campaigns, summarized into straightforward checklists.

Our tactics are based on data from thousands of actual artists and photographers. We find what's working out there and bring it to you.



A private Facebook community for Art Storefronts members and our professional art marketing consultants.

Share your ideas and get realtime feedback from fellow artists and marketing professionals alike. 

We'll also keep you on pace to succeed with The Weekly Agenda.

Ready to learn how to spend your limited marketing time exactly where it counts?

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.

Building a Profitable Art Business

To recap, achieving consistent monthly sales as an independent artist comes down to 2 things:



These two needs are why our members choose Art Storefronts.

First, we provide best-in-class art gallery websites. We have all the key art-selling features (and then some) that will provide your buyers with the finest art buying experience available.

Second, we provide step-by-step marketing instruction and unlimited access to our consultants. We'll tell you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it - every day of the year. It's all based on what is actually working for other successful artists and photographers, so you can stop guessing and immediately get on the right path to growing your sales.

If you have a reputation to uphold and very little time to mess around, you need a comprehensive solution to sell your art that is state-of-the-art.

One that is robust enough, will always have the latest features and functionality, and will work for you for many years to come.

Our advice? Don't spend another minute uploading your images to a bunch of online gallery sites and waiting for sales to come to you.

It's what everyone else is doing, and it doesn't work.

Instead, put in the work, follow a proper strategy to market your art as far and wide as possible, and nothing will be standing in your way from breaking all previous sales records this year.

And you won't be alone:

It's time to create your own success story.

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.


Absolute best decision I have made in my Entrepreneur Art Career

Joining this Art supported platform has been the absolute best decision I have made in my Entrepreneur Art Career. I have sold more paintings this year than ever before. I am super excited about being part of Art Storefronts and cannot stress enough how this is a complete game changer for me and my career at this point.

Kim Vergil Fine Artist

Ahead of the Curve

The reason I love Art Storefronts so much is because they are always ahead of the curve with marketing and technology specifically for artists. You have saved me tons of money and time trying to keep up in our fast-moving world on my own.

Shirley Williams Artist

The Million Dollar Artist is no longer a dream.

It's no longer just the ultra-famous, once-in-a-generation star.

It's regular people, working from home to grow their art businesses online.

If you've ever fantasized about having a line of collectors waiting to buy your new work, you may be surprised at what it takes to get there.

"Discovered" by a major magazine? Nope.

Winning a major prize at a juried art show? Nope.

Getting into a big gallery? Nope.

Our members have experienced all of these wins and more, and none of it truly moved the needle.

In fact, they never found consistent success until they focused on something most struggling artists and photographers pay almost no attention to:

Marketing their work.

Creating great work is one thing, but selling it successfully is an entirely different undertaking.

You'll need to address the same two specific things that every single artist or photographer must confront before they can hope to reach $100,000 a year in sales.

These two particular things are so fundamental to success in the art industry that we will even take care of 1 of them for you, for FREE. More on that below. So – 

Do you want to sell more art this year?  
Build a more valuable art business?  
Ensure that you are NOT going down the wrong path, like so many other art sellers?

Make sure you get these 2 things right.

The Formula for Success

Photographer William Drew (Art Storefronts member since 2018) increased his print sales by +807% year over year.

megh knappenberger

Artist Megh Knappenberger (Art Storefronts member since 2017) sold $50,000+ of art her first holiday season

In our time working with thousands of highly successful artists and photographers over the years, we've deconstructed what is making them so successful. It comes down to just 2 things:



That's it.

Seriously, that's it.  Yet so many are still missing it.

Think about it: if you have a marketing plan that generates new customers, and a properly-designed website with all the features need to close every possible sale, what else do you need?


With just these 2 things, there is nothing stopping you from being successful. 

With these 2 things, you can finally solve the problem of earning consistent monthly sales from your art.

Now, let's get into each of these in more detail.

#1: It All Starts With A Website*


The art buying process is incredibly visual. To build a thriving art business, you need to take the offline gallery experience and move it online - and not just any old website will do.

A proper, art gallery website feels like walking into a retail art gallery.

There's art on the wall, and it's clearly for sale.

This is in direct contrast to most artist websites, which are set up like image portfolios. These websites feel more like flipping through a coffee table book than entering a shop where the products can actually be purchased. 

This month, we will build you a proper art gallery website for free. For real.

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.


Your own art gallery

Art Storefronts allows you to be your own art gallery so you aren't dependent on other galleries. You don't have to wait to be discovered, or called, or emailed by any galleries. You don't have to fit any of their aesthetics. You are your own gallery.

Mathieu Laca Artist

Furthermore, a proper art gallery website has a host of powerful features that are designed to handle all the possible questions and objections art buyers face when making a buying decision:

I can't tell what size print would look best on my wall...

❌ No Sale

Canvas gallery wrap, metal, acrylic...I don't know what any of these media types actually look like...

❌ No Sale

I love it, but I need my spouse to sign off. I'll have to remember to come back later....

❌ No Sale

I'm not sure how this piece will look with my paint color, furniture, other artwork, etc.

❌ No Sale

This is a lot of money, how do I even know I can trust this artist with my order?

❌ No Sale

An art gallery website like the ones provided by Art Storefronts have features that would have saved each and every one of those lost sales.

Take advantage of free website setup to get up and running on Art Storefronts without lifting a finger.

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.

After years of struggle, Bill Stidham (Art Storefronts member since 2016) sold over $17,000 his first holiday season on Art Storefronts

Painter Jim Pescott (Art Storefronts member since 2017) earned his first ever online sale through his Art Storefronts site

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#2: A Marketing Plan That Works


Sure, you'll need the right website to turn your site visitors into collectors, but how do you bring those visitors to your site in the first place?

Many photographers and artists waste years of their professional lives trying to figure this part out.

Jim Livingston (Art Storefronts member since 2018) recently sold two 12' murals using Live Preview w/ Augmented Reality

An effective art marketing strategy requires:

  • Consistent, on-going content marketing via email and social media
  • Frequent print giveaways
  • Strategic promotions centered around holidays
  • An advertising strategy designed to maximize your return
  • An analytics system that allows you to track the progress of your campaigns and react accordingly

Not quite as inspiring as creating art, right?

And yet, without it, earning a reliable, consistent living from your art will be nearly impossible.

Here's how we've solved this problem:

The Art Marketing Calendar


Everything you need to grow your audience, reach new collectors, and grow your art sales – 365 days a year. 

Each day's task is designed to be completed in under 30 minutes (that's about 3 hours per week!) and is based on success data from thousands of actual artists and photographers.



A private Facebook community for Art Storefronts members and our professional art marketing consultants.

Share your ideas and get realtime feedback from fellow artists and marketing professionals alike. 

And join us for frequent live broadcasts hosted by our own stable of art business experts.

Ready to learn how to spend your limited marketing time exactly where it counts?

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.

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Combining These Elements to
Build a Profitable Art Business

To recap, achieving consistent monthly sales as an independent artist comes down to 2 things:



These two needs are why our members choose Art Storefronts.

First, we provide best-in-class art gallery websites. We have all the key art-selling features (and then some) that will provide your buyers with the finest art buying experience available.

Second, we provide step-by-step marketing instruction and unlimited access to our consultants. We'll tell you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it - every day of the year. It's all based on what is actually working for other successful artists and photographers, so you can stop guessing and immediately get on the right path to growing your sales.

If you have a reputation to uphold and very little time to mess around, you need a comprehensive solution to sell your art that is state-of-the-art.

One that is robust enough, will always have the latest features and functionality, and will work for you for many years to come. 

Our advice? Don't spend another minute uploading your images to a bunch of online gallery sites and waiting for sales to come to you.

It's what everyone else is doing, and it doesn't work.

Instead, put in the work, follow a proper strategy to market your art as far and wide as possible, and nothing will be standing in your way from breaking all previous sales records this year. 

And you won't be alone:

It's time to create your own success story.

*Special Offer Ends Soon!*

Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life,
and FREE Social Media Help

You create, we do all the technical stuff that makes it sell.

Free website setup ends soon.


Absolute best decision I have made in my Entrepreneur Art Career

Joining this Art supported platform has been the absolute best decision I have made in my Entrepreneur Art Career. I have sold more paintings this year than ever before. I am super excited about being part of Art Storefronts and cannot stress enough how this is a complete game changer for me and my career at this point.

Kim Vergil Fine Artist

Ahead of the Curve

The reason I love Art Storefronts so much is because they are always ahead of the curve with marketing and technology specifically for artists. You have saved me tons of money and time trying to keep up in our fast-moving world on my own.

Shirley Williams Artist

Sell More Art Online

If we can't teach you, no one can!