Category Archives for #customercalls

Julie Gets Her Online Art Business Headed in the Right Direction | Customer Calls

Julie Gets Her Art Business Headed in the Right Direction | Customer CallsArtist Julie Robertson has had some success offline at art shows and farmers markets – now the struggle is how to grow that offline success into a sustainable, consistent online art business.In this call, our CEO and Head of Marketing offer Julie advice […]

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artist SEO

Judith Ponders Investing in SEO | Customer Calls

Judith Ponders Investing in SEO | Customer CallsJust hire an SEO firm to optimize your art website, get on the first page of search results for your niche, and start raking in the sales, right? In this customer call, we lay out why this approach isn’t the most effective way to spend your time or your […]

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artist advice

Zann Searches for Ways to Scale Her Pet Portrait Business | Customer Calls

Zann Searches for Ways to Scale Her Pet Portrait Business | Customer CallsFocus on prints? Double down on commissioned originals? And what about a wildcard like…guerrilla marketing at dog parks? Zann Hemphill works through her options with Art Storefronts leadership in this success call.

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Art Storefronts interview with customer

Ron Looks for Traction with His Art Business | Customer Calls

Customer Calls: Ron Looks for Traction with His Art Business Listen in as Nick (Our CEO/Owner) and Patrick (Head of Marketing) get on a call with Ron – an Art Storefronts member looking for actionable advice on getting traction with his art business.

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Sell More Art Online

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