How Is Art Storefronts Different from Other Art Platforms?

Here’s what Art Storefronts CEO and Owner Nick Friend had to say when asked what makes Art Storefronts so different.We’re not just different, we’re the ONLY platform of our kind.We’re not a marketplace.We’re not a website company.Art Storefronts is the first all-in-one, business-building solution for artists and photographers. LEARN MORE

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The Strategy That Earned Photographer Andy Crawford A $2,470 Print Sale

SELLING FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHYThe Strategy That Earned Photographer Andy Crawford A $2,470 Print SaleArt doesn’t sell without strategy – here’s everything that went into closing this real sale. ​Weeks after closing out his most profitable holiday season yet, Louisiana photographer Andy Crawford has just made his largest single online sale ever – two large canvas […]

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Art Storefronts interview with customer

Ron Looks for Traction with His Art Business | Customer Calls

Customer Calls: Ron Looks for Traction with His Art Business Listen in as Nick (Our CEO/Owner) and Patrick (Head of Marketing) get on a call with Ron – an Art Storefronts member looking for actionable advice on getting traction with his art business.

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Is Art Storefronts Expensive?

Why Is Art Storefronts So Expensive?

THE QUESTIONI’ve heard Art Storefronts charges hefty setup fees even though the photographer still needs to do the actual work.Why would that huge investment enable me to sell more work then I do on my own regular website?THE ANSWER Here’s what Art Storefronts CEO and Owner Nick Friend had to say when asked the pricing […]

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william hays artist interview

INTERVIEW: William H. Hays on Making His Art Gallery Website a Reliable Revenue Channel

SELLING ARTINTERVIEW: William H. Hays on Making His Art Gallery Website a Reliable Revenue Channel1 artist/printmaker, a niche 40 years in the making, and a 300% increase in sales.It all started when this post from artist William H. Hays caught our eye:If you’re anything like us, your first thought: Awesome!  Second thought: How’d he do it? In […]

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41: Facebook Ads For Photographers and Artists

Facebook Ads for Photographers and ArtistsWhere to get started with Facebook and Instagram ads, why it should be a pillar of your art marketing strategy, and how you should actually go about it Subscribe Three Artists In An Elevator…I just got into an elevator with three artists: a painter, a photographer, and a graffiti artist.  […]

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secret to selling art

The #1 Differentiator Between Successful Artists…and Everyone Else

The #1 Differentiator Between Successful Artists…and Everyone ElseThis is my most important video yet because it goes straight to the very heart of it:SUCCESS.Why do some artists have it and others don’t?The #1 differentiator is more obvious than you think, but you’ve likely never genuinely considered it before.Of all the things struggling artists and photographers worry about – their website, their pricing, […]

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40: Your Art Marketing New Years Resolution: Move Your Attention Around

Your Art Marketing New Years’ Resolution: Move Your Attention AroundAttention was hard to get in ’19 and it’s gonna be even harder in ’20. In this episode: What the smart artist is gonna do about it, and I proffer up a New Years’ Resolution for you. Subscribe 2019 is About Over  and a New Decade […]

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2020 selling art

CEO: What I’ve Learned About Selling Art in 2020

CEO: What I’ve Learned About Selling Art in 2020In 2019, I saw unknown, spare-time artists and photographers outselling world-renowned creators with millions of fans and major endorsements.HOW is that even possible? This video explains it all: Nick Friend, founder of Breathing Color and an owner of Art Storefronts, shares the approaches he saw amateur artists and photographers […]

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The BEST Social Media Posts from Artists/Photographers – December 2019

The Best Social Media Posts from Artists/Photographers – December 2019Consistent social media marketing plays a critical role in any successful art marketing plan. But it’s not all about asking people to buy your art…  The Best Social Media Posts from Artists/Photographers – December 2019Consistent social media marketing plays a critical role in any successful art […]

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