Teasing Our New Show: Art Business Mornings

Patrick and Nick introduce their new show 'Art Business Mornings,' aiming to guide artists and photographers towards building a six-figure art business. Set to air on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am PST, the show will be broadcasted live across multiple social platforms and later archived on their podcast feed. The hosts highlight the concept's evolution from random shows to a structured format focused on sustainable success in the art market. Key segments will cover overcoming self-limiting beliefs, understanding business models, effective marketing, the importance of community, and maintaining the right perspective for long-term success.

Podcast Transcribe

Patrick Shanahan: We are teasing our brand new show.

Nick Friend: We got a brand new show, brand new show guys. So tell them about it, Pat, tell them about it. Cause you, you, you put together a lot of the language on this and it's beautiful. So go ahead.

Patrick Shanahan: Yeah. So we're calling it, um, art business mornings. Art business warnings. And I think we're calling it that because we've been doing these random shows for, I don't know, four months now.

I mean, maybe it's been five months now. I don't know. And like the random shows like, Oh, great. Random show. Like, what the hell does that mean? How does that help anyone out? Right? Like where's the wifty in that wifty what's in it for me? I don't know. I don't know. What's in it for you. Random show. I like our, our, are we just talking through things here and trying to help people on the side?

What's what's in it for you? Nothing. So art business warnings. One. It's going to be in the morning. We're tentatively saying Tuesdays and Thursdays, uh, the mechanics of the show, we're going to set a time. It'll likely be like 9am PST, uh, 11am central noon. Well, if it's noon EST, that's not really mornings, is it?

I don't know. We have some mechanics to figure out in terms of our timing. We're going to do that. Independent of the timing, where will it be distributed? It will be distributed on Instagram live. Like we are now on Facebook live. On YouTube live on periscope on Twitter and on LinkedIn live. What about after the fact, when you miss it after the fact, if you do miss it, it'll go on the podcast feed.

So you'll want to subscribe to the podcast feed and what we realized, um, I think in the formulation of this new show is one art business. We need to define that and we will define that. And it is, it isn't, it's an umbrella of sorts, right? Because we keep getting, we keep getting on these conversations. On especially like, you know, the customers know what we do, obviously, but the non customer zoom sessions and just based on where we are in our brand position and everything else, like we keep getting pigeonholed as the guys that want you to do prints, right?

Like that's our whole business model and like nothing could be further from the truth. We don't care what you do. All we care about is success. We want to find success. If you have success, we want you to double down on success. We're going to continue to reverse engineer success where we're doing everything that we do is, is based on success.

I don't care if you're selling originals, if you're selling limited editions, if you're selling open editions, if you're selling prints, if you're selling Chachki, I can't believe you're selling Chachki, but if you're selling Chachki and you're successful, if your business is a hybrid, Meaning you have a service component to your business.

And I don't care if that's you're a wedding photographer, an event photographer, a surf photographer, or whatever it is. When you have a service component of the business, you're shooting a YSO shots, uh, or you're teaching classes, digital capacity, how to paint, uh, dark room techniques. Does anyone even do that anymore?

Everyone's digital, uh, light room techniques, Photoshop filters, or, or you're taking people into the national parks and doing night photography like Mike Taylor, shout out to Mike Taylor or, or anything in between. It doesn't matter to us collectively. That is the art business, right? The umbrella known as the art business.

And Nick, you got to watch three yard. Cause I'm looking at my notes. So collectively the, the, the art business umbrella, right? So art business warnings, we've defined the umbrella, the success component. I honestly. We've had so many conversations, okay, with non customers that are told nonsense by people that have zero success and they bank it is gospel and it is infuriating the bad advice that people seem to be getting on a regular basis and is filling their head and literally preventing them from doing anything is killing us.

It's absolutely killing us. It's gotten to the point where we're regularly asking on, on a regular basis, where did you hear that? Where did you hear that? Who told you that? Who told you that? I don't want to go find them. I want to go find them and drag them out of their house and put them on video and say, how much art have you sold?

Thank you. Shut up. I'm done with that. Give me a, give me a, give me an aneurysm. Um,

Nick Friend: It's so funny though, because that's truly what's happened is it's like after one session, you're like, okay, like we just heard it and then two sessions and then three sessions, and then finally we're like, Everybody's saying that I should, like, I did this, like, should I do this?

Or I was told to do this. And we're like, finally, we're like, who told you, who is telling people all of these failed things to do? Like, like they're all like sheep walking off a cliff, following the guy who's never sold any art

Patrick Shanahan: Before.

Nick Friend: Right.

Patrick Shanahan: Yeah. Independent and like, I'm not angry at anyone. Why we're doing this show guys.

That's why we're going to be doing the show. I'm just angry that like the bad advice is out there and people are following them because there's just no need for it. There's no need for it. Right. So, okay. So we get the success piece. We're going to unwind that, uh, why you might want to listen to us. This is brief, long entrepreneurial backgrounds, both of us, many successful companies, uh, millions of dollars spent in Facebook ads years and years and years in the trenches of, of, uh, digital marketing, hardcore dirt underneath the fingernails, hardcore digital marketing.

We're live on five platforms right now. I've got a wireless keyboard connected to Instagram, my AirPods. I've got a microphone on the line. Live on four different social platforms. I got banners. We're in the trenches. Okay, we know we're talking about. You can't snow us on the digital marketing piece.

That's not enough, though. We got data. Okay, we have the data of live sessions, and we've run about 200 of those. And previous to the live sessions, you know, we were independently working with or talking to. First of all, Nick's been in the art industry his entire career. I've been in the art industry working for him in certain capacities for 10 years, and you know, Thousands, hundreds of thousands of conversations with photographers and artists.

And then we have the data most recently in which we are talking to our customers hundreds at a time in zoom sessions bi weekly and then talking to non customers sometimes three times a week, sometimes bi weekly and in the pattern recognition at this point in time. I think puts us in a there without any braggadocio or anything else puts us in a very unique position.

Okay. To understand the problems that are out there that are preventing artists and photographers from growing a significant six figure year and yearly income business. Okay. Is there more? There's more. What's more is that we now have a website platform in which 3, 800 artists are selling art online.

Turns out we get to look at all their stats. So now we have this unique lens into this large swath of artists and photographers in all of these various different niches and all of these various different mediums. And we know what's working. We have a very good idea of what's working and what's not working.

I think you combine those three things, and it puts us in a unique position to at least be able to speak with some authority. What's the show gonna cover? Five pillars, okay? And really, fundamentally, at its core, what we sort of talked through and decided is that what we're aiming to create in you, artist, photographer, yes, sculptor, crafter, jewelry sales too, it's all in the same boat.

A six figure a year art business. A six figure year, our business. Why? Because one, it's a great number. It's a number that a lot of people aspire to to many are solo entrepreneurs, side hustles and everything else. So it's a, it's a good little, a number, a number to hit. It's a large portion of where the market is, but I think more importantly, what like fundamentally underscores all of this is that there is never.

Been a better opportunity for the individual artists, the individual photographer to control their own destiny, their own business model, and actually hit that number in the economics business, the economics of the business. When you get in that position, you are no employee business. Dropshipping, which means, you know, aside from originals and individual cases, you're able to not touch anything, manufacture the product, sell as many units of the, you want not be involved in the shipping, just work it on your marketing, do it all out of your house was zero, damn near zero expenses, and then also.

It's a business. I mean, we had a guy that came on a zoom call the other day. That was 78. He's like, I'm tired of going to the local shows and fairs. My art sells every time I talk to somebody and he was wanting to get busy digitally and online and figure it out. 78 years old. How many years does that guy have left?

To be honest with you, you look like 55. He's probably got 20. So contemplate what a business looks like. You artists, you photographer stretched out over that time horizon. What are you in now? Your twenties, your thirties, your forties, your fifties. Do you know how much time you have? Everyone takes for granted, uh, uh, what you can achieve in a long period of time.

Okay? In a long period of time, you can achieve so much. Everyone is just focused on what you can achieve in the short period of time. In the short period of time, very little. In the long period of time, my goodness, my goodness, you're blown away with what you can achieve. So six figure a year. Art business.

Okay. That's the goal. That's underpinning what we're aiming to create with this show. If there's such a way to say things going to have five pillars, okay. Five pillars to a six or your year art business that we need to delve into that. We need to understand, explain, articulate all of the above. Number one, unclog the drain.

I'm not going to go in depth into all of them, but number one, unclog the drain. Okay, what do I mean by that? I mean, get rid of all the self limiting beliefs in BS and procrastination and only I can launch with perfection and a myriad of other self limiting beliefs in the actual official show intro.

This is just the tease, by the way. This is the warm up lap. This is that we came up with this this morning and now we're shipping it version because it's what we do. It's what we do. So that's pillar number one, unclog the drain. Sadly, we can't even talk about the other four pillars until we unclog the drain.

And we've learned this like quite conclusively, pillar number one, unclog the drain. Number two, Nick's baby understand the business model, understand the business model, and it's one of those things that perhaps even arrogantly to a fault on our thought or naively to a fault on our part, we thought was common knowledge.

It's not common knowledge. It's not common knowledge people. And it's the source of

Nick Friend: The starving artist problem. Yeah. It's the source of the starving artist problem. If you

Patrick Shanahan: Get this wrong, that's why it's pillar number two. No, it's, it's, it's, it's massively problematic. So we're going to need to articulate what we believe to be based on our experience, based on the data, based on the customer conversations, what the business model needs to be.

If you want to set yourself up. On the path to a six figure a year, our business, and by the way, the six figure year, our business don't care if it's a side hustle or full time, it's six figures a year in sales. Okay. Don't care what combination it is. It is six figures a year in sales. Okay. Uh, number three, the secret to effective marketing.

And, and, and Nick tried to tell me like, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't tell them the secret. We've been working our entire lives to figure out the secret. Don't tell them the secret. I'm telling the secret. I don't care. I'll tell them. I'm going to tell you a secret. There is no damn secret. Okay. Okay. It's taken me years of marketing to learn this.

There's no secret, none, none. It's focusing your energy on the highest ROI marketing, highest ROI return on investment, time, energy, uh, treasure. Focusing on that, doing it consistently. Game of pressure over time. That's it. Third pillar. Number four pillar. The inputs, the inputs, you can rant on that for a second.

It's also, what are we calling it? The inputs slash who you surround yourself with. It's really the inputs. I think it's a combination of those two.

Nick Friend: There's two, there's two ways of looking at it, right? You can look at it like the, the, the net, like the negative way, which is like, uh, you know, um, you cannot like, you will almost guarantee that you will not be successful as a solo entrepreneur.

If you try to go it alone. Okay. Now the flip side of that is. is you need, like you, you are going to be the average of the five closest artists and photographers that you surround yourself with. So that might be zero because you literally don't have anybody that's running an art business or it could be a friend who hasn't sold anything, but you need to surround yourself with other solo entrepreneurs who are executing on this business.

This business model and who are doing better than you. Okay. Why? It's because most of the questions that we get when we're talking to everybody are things that are like commonly answered by people who are doing even decently well. Right. And so we'll get questions from people that are You're starting out or they're even selling 20, 000, maybe even 30, 000 a year, right?

And they're like, well, what the, the, my problem is like, I'm not sure what to do about this. And it's been holding me back for, for years. And we're like, that's like a problem that we can solve in like 10 seconds. You know what I mean? Like this is commonly known amongst our members because they work together and they share information.

So that's where, that's what this pillar is, right? Is you need to surround yourself with other solo entrepreneurs who are more successful than you. Sorry, artists and photographers, they need to be running this type of a business so that you can bounce questions off them, you know, and share information.

And so you're not running the business alone on an island, making very poor decisions. Okay.

Patrick Shanahan: And, and we should say the quality of these inputs is what plants all these seeds of nonsense. You know, you ever watch that pep, my kids, my kids watch the Peppa pig all the time. And the daddy pig is like listening to the sat nav.

And there's like such an English thing to say. It's talking nonsense. It's talking nonsense. I don't know where you're getting the nonsense from, but we need to cut the nonsense out because all that does is. Get in your head, sticks in your head. Let me, let me ask you, does any of this sound familiar? The hours turn into days.

The days turn into weeks. The weeks turn into months. The months turn into years. You look back and you've made not a single solitary, constructive step forward in your damn business. Because that nonsense got in there. It's stuck in there. Hence the unclog the drain. The fifth pillar. The fifth pillar, okay, is the perspective.

What do I mean by the perspective about how long, how long both sides, right? How long it takes to build a proper business, how much time you actually have again, going back to the 78 year old, like decades ahead of you of building this business. Uh, uh, you know, the analogy I give, which is a great one. I used to drive to this place that was three and a half hours away in the desert to go ride my motorcycles, right?

Halfway of that drive. So about hour and 45 minutes is my mother in law's house. Um, we've had to go out there a bunch and when I was driving the three and a half hours out to the desert to go ride the motorcycles, I would blow by my mother in law's exit on the freeway and be completely energized and fired up because in my mind, I knew I was driving three and a half hours, right?

And so Now, uh, hashtag two children, hashtag riding three and a half hours out to the motorcycle, uh, ride deserts, the motorcycle, uh, hashtag divorce. So that's not happening anymore. But now when I drive, okay, to my mother in law's house, the, the hour and 45 minute drive in an hour and 30 minutes, I, in my head, I'm going, am I there yet?

Am I there yet? Am I there yet? I'm antsy. I'm like nervous. And I'm antsy because my perspective is off. About how long the drive needs to be, and that destroys your momentum. It destroys your performance. You think you're running a hundred yard dash and you don't understand it's a marathon. Once you, you have that properly aligned in your head, and we take into perspective the other th pillars, it's just a game of pressure over time.

You can do it right. No one will have control of your business. You're going to own all of your leads. You are going to focus on the direct sales model. Anything above and beyond that is going to be on the outside of things. I don't care if 10 years from now, we're on pandemic number 16. You are going to be as hedged against anything that comes down the road as you possibly could be.

And it's totally feasible. And not only is it totally feasible, there is never been a better time in history. To do this straight up. The, the, the creation on the ground right now has accelerated. This first pandemic is Cree accelerated, uh, the adoption of technology, uh, as well as the growth of technology, what you can achieve with it, how you can do things digitally, be in a thousand places at once and make it as close as possible to the retail art selling experience.

So that's it. That's a new show and I'm excited about it.

Nick Friend: Yep. I love it. And I think like the, my final comment on the perspective piece is like perspective is so powerful because it can either be a major asset for you if you have great perspective, right? But it can, but on the, on the flip side, it can be poison.

It can be poison. It can ruin you. It can, it can literally take down the business. If you don't have the proper perspective as an entrepreneur for that, that this is not a sprint, it's a marathon, right? And to treat your, you get antsy, you don't treat your customers the right way. You're not thinking about your product the way that you should be thinking about it.

All of that type of stuff, right? You're expecting a fish to jump in your boat, immediate results. You don't understand any of that. It can get you down so hard mentally. And the only problem is there might be nothing wrong with your business at all. It's just that you didn't have the proper perspective of what it, how long it takes to, uh, to, to build a real business.

That's it. Right. So that's, that's the final pillar, right? I like that. It's the final pillar too, because it's like, Hey, after we've covered all the meat and potatoes, right. On these four pillars, the last one is like, Hey, you could have all of these, right. But if you get this last one wrong, you are toast.

You just toasted the whole thing with just bad, with just the wrong mindset about perspective.

Patrick Shanahan: Isn't that amazing? And Sergio's checking in and he's from Querétaro. We actually have a customer that lives in Querétaro. One of our most successful customers, I would add, that lives in Querétaro. You should look.

Who is it? Who is it? I think, I think. Is it Bill? Bill lives on the outskirts of San Miguel de Allende. It is, this is in Guanajuato, Central Mexico. But his wife is from Querétaro, and so her whole family is from Querétaro. Que Que It's a hard one to say. Querétaro. Um, beautiful part of Mexico, though.

Nick Friend: He's running a six figure art business, okay?

He's one of the people we're talking about. He's running a six figure art business. You know, from there, so, you know, anyways, and I see Mariah here, an art storefronts member on, on Instagram. And she said, it's so true. When I first started, I had it all wrong. Thanks to you guys. I have the right perspective and I'm moving in the right direction.

Mariah, you're like a perfect example of like, you know, I see you coming to the private member workshops every single week. And you're, and you're like, you're young and you're investing in yourself. Like where you're going to be in 10 years, I don't, it's going to be amazing to see, because you've got all the right ingredients and the right mindset about the whole thing.

And if you just play the marathon and you keep learning and you keep building your skills, you're That we're teaching you as an entrepreneur, like you're going to do amazing because I can tell because anybody that's attending these workshops every week, that's listening, taking notes and doing that, I'm going to bet on you, I'm going to bet on you, you know, I've spent my entire career learning all of these lessons.

And we're there and you, and you too, exactly. And we are there teaching it every single week. If you're not taking advantage of that, I don't know what you're doing, but Mariah is, you

Patrick Shanahan: Know, so I love it, Mariah. Good job. I love the, uh, I love the, uh, and I stole this from Aaron Sorkin, but it's so good, right?

Like guys walking down the street falls into a hole. Right. And he's down at the bottom of the hole. and he's yelling up there out of the hole. And he's like, Help me. Oh, help me. Help me. Can you help me get out? I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I'm stuck down in this hole. Doctor walks by and the doctor looks down in the hole and he's like, help me, help me, help me, doctor.

Can you help me get out of the hole? Doctor writes on my prescription, throws it down in the hole. Guy's like, great. Thanks. Appreciate that. Doctor keeps walking. Help me. Help me. I'm stuck down in the hole. Can you help me? I'm stuck down in the hole. A pastor walks by, Pastor gets down on his knees. Prays for him.

Keeps walking. He's screaming, help me, help me. He's been in there for hours. Uh, his buddy comes walking by and jumps right down in the hole with him and he's like, you moron. Now we're both stuck down here. I've been down here for hours. And the friend goes, yeah, but I've been in the hole before I know the way out.

Right? Like that's the kind of, that's the level of advice that we get to give. And it's fun. That's a fun thing to be able to do. It's like the amount of years wasted. The amount of dollars wasted, uh, uh, the amount of stress, gray hair, uh, lack of fitness, uh, uh, you know, extreme alcohol consumption, all of it.

We don't, you don't, we don't need you to do it. We don't need you to do it. We've already done it. We're already down in the hole. Let me show you the way out of the hole. That's it. I really liked that Aaron Stork line.

Nick Friend: Yeah, it's good. Okay. So let's, let's, uh, let's summarize here. So for those of you who jumped on late, we are teasing our new show, right?

So we're going to be doing art business mornings by art storefronts. Um, it's going to be Tuesday and Thursday, at least for now. We'll be, we'll be doing it randomly also, but it'll be in the mornings on Tuesday and Thursday. We're going to set the time. We'll figure that out. We'll let you guys know, but we're going to be talking about all the stuff that Patrick.

Mention there, and it's all about, you know, what it takes to build a six figure art business. Right. From your, from home. From home, right. Essentially. So, um, yep. The five pillars. Yep. And we can five pillars that

Patrick Shanahan: Patrick just went over. We can't commit. We can't commit to the time yet. Right. Because we practice what we preach.

Now a normal person would never launch this show. Without months and months of planning and putting all the dates on the calendar and moving the dates around. And then they would spend a bunch of money advertising. Then they launch it. What do we do? Came up with the idea this morning. It's launched it right now.

Ship it. And that will be, that will be the topic each, each corresponding show to, we'll, we'll have a subtopic and already got a list. I've been making a list. It's a good one. We're going to cover hand to hand combat. We're going to cover titles like only the market can tell you. We're going to cover topics like never compare your beginning to other's middle.

Uh, live art shows. When to pivot if your art's just not selling. Validating your art. Does the market want it? Defining your niche. Small wins. What are they? Why you need to stack them. He who is closest to you. Or she to the customer wins, uh, art business longevity. Like I covered 20, I'm getting so excited.

High ROI marketing activities. I realized that we need a whole show on defining that shiny object syndrome and how to avoid it. Okay. Hugely important. What you don't do is as important to what you do do probably more important. Probably more important, uh, one of your faves success and going all in on it.

Okay. Going all in on it, staying in your lane when you need to do that, uh, uh, near and dear to my heart, merchandising, merchandising, we do a whole series, we do, we do a whole series on merchandising, uh, dog food, dog fooding, eating your own dog food, dog food SAS era, which is, which is going to be our new swan song.

And then finally, we talked about that earlier, just shift it, just shift it, Those topics, a myriad of others, a multicolored galaxy of lovers, downers, laughers, and screamers are coming your way. So

Nick Friend: That's for those of you who, you know, you hear us say, just ship it, just ship it, and I see some of the members like Maria's on here and they hear us say, just ship it, the real phrase.

The real phrase that we actually toned down, I should say is shut up and ship it. That's actually the real phrase. And we kind of modified it cause it's too, it's a little too harsh, but it's actually shut up and ship it. Right. And it's like, that's, I love like the directness of that line, shut up and just execute and get it in the water.

Patrick Shanahan: You know, the advice is like what I would call like high level important. For, uh, uh, the entrepreneurial crew as it pertains to artists. It is quite literally the artist drowning in the water. And this is the life preserver that you throw them, right? Because there's such a level of procrastination.

There's such a level of perfectionism. There's such a level of like, not shipping it, that just by shipping it, the sheer amount of low hanging fruit that is waiting for you when you do. It's staggering. It's staggering. You know, you don't know. And only the market can tell you ship it real good. You love it.

So what are we,

Nick Friend: But that's right. So, okay. Tomorrow guys for non art storefronts, customers, Patrick and I are doing a free art business, uh, marketing consulting, right? Essentially around, around this entire concept. But it's your chance to actually talk to us. Okay. Let us know where you're at with your business.

What's the number one problem you have that you think is holding you back. Bring that to us tomorrow. All right. It's a live zoom call. So make sure you're on our email list, like us on Facebook and whatever, so that you can see this thing. Right. And it is going to be at 11 a. m. Pacific, 1 p. m. Central to Eastern tomorrow.

Okay, tomorrow. So get in on that. If your business is stuck or if you're just trying to get launched, whatever it is, whatever you think is holding you back, come and talk to us. We're going to probably focus on number one, unclogging the drain, right? Because we know that that's what we have to do, right? So yes.

And then aside from that, um, if you want to learn more about our storefronts, And you haven't done this yet, request a demo. That's actually the next step, okay? And when you do that, um, one of our team members will reach out to you and take a look at your art and learn about what your goals are and then they can show you everything that we do at Art Storefront.

You know, number one, the proper art gallery website with all the features you need to sell art number two, the ongoing art business and marketing consulting, those are the two things that we do and art storefronts is an all in one solution, uh, to help artists and photographers build their own fine art business.

Okay. So yes, request a demo. There's a link on our website, always in the upper right hand corner, a big button that says request a demo. That's where you can do it. If you're on Instagram. Uh, there's a link in our bio, click that, you'll see a requested demo and there should be a link on the post on Facebook right now if you want to do that.

Also, I should mention we have a summer special going on right now, so you can save a lot of money on a, on a membership to join our storefronts. So if you're thinking about doing that now is a good time to get that demo request in. Don't wait until the end. It gets really busy. Other than that, anything else?

Patrick Shanahan: Was pretty good rant. Yeah. Well done. I'm 

Nick Friend: Super excited for the art business mornings. It's going to be phenomenal. Um, so yeah, you guys get it on your calendars on the Tuesday and Thursday morning, we're going to be doing it. So if you, if you like us on Facebook and on Instagram, you should get notified when we go live, you can do YouTube as well, right.

But as Pat said. Um, if you follow the art marketing podcast, which is our podcast, uh, you can also binge on them there. We're going to upload all the episodes up to there too, which is pretty cool. So lots of ways to watch it, but we'd love to hear your comments live because we'll answer your questions.

You know, if you drop comments on here, we will answer them.

Patrick Shanahan: Mark. It's in the IG live playbook, made a whole video on this. Sure. You read it, right? Make sure you read it. Oh yeah. Mark's asking, how do you do those thumbnails available on the IG live show? It's it's in the playbook. Look, Marie, you're already a customer.

Did you come into the non customer webinar? I need you to work. Yeah, I know. It's good for everybody.

Nick Friend: It's, it's actually good for everybody. You know, like the, the rep, you, you, you know, we realize like a lot of the repetition of just. You know, the, the business concepts and the way to think about everything.

It's just, it's good for everybody to continue to hear. Um, cause I think every time you hear it, everyone has their own compass and you've got to recalibrate your compass all the time. Like, you know, how often is it that probably every month, you know, you you're executing, you're executing, and then you take stock of what you've been doing and you find a bunch of stuff where you're like, what was I doing?

That was such a waste of time. Right. When you just, you recalibrate and then you're back. Your compass is right back on true north again. And then you do it all over again and you do it again and again and again, you constantly have to recalibrate.

Patrick Shanahan: No different. It's no different. And I'll tell you, I'll tell a quick story because I think it's really funny.

You remember that, that Caesar Milan guy? You know, the dog trainer, of course, you know, showing up on his rollerblades and the whole thing. So I'm at Coachella and there's a bunch of us in like this RV area. And my buddy's like a photographer. So he's hooked up with Coachella. So we get to be in like the cool VIP area, right next door to us is the old gunner, uh, the old drummer for guns and roses, I can't remember what his name is, Matt, something.

And. Just previous, okay. Just previous to showing up, he had had a whole week of, of this Miser Milan training in this little French bulldog, right? Training this, like this, this French bulldog to be like a good obedient bulldog. This is the dog whisper, right? Season Milan, the, the, you get the rollerblades, the whole thing.

This dog is chewing on at one week off. One week off is chewing everything up, running around circles. They're like trying to chase them and try to get them. So to your point, like the repetition is important, right? It doesn't matter if you're the best trainer in the world, like you need to hear it, like the, the change takes time.

We need you to do 150 pushups in one sitting. Do you know how many sets? And reps that takes, even for like a strong person, unless you're like a really strong person, like takes weeks, months of doing pushups to do 101 setting, right? It's hard. So, I do like the repetition. So fine, Marie, you want to come, come harass us, I'll, I'll, I'll, yeah, it's all good.

Alright, that's it. I'm spent. Guys, thanks as always. Alright guys. See you tomorrow. See you guys. Thank you.


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