Using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and ChatGPT to Help You Find Profitable Art Niches

Ever struggle to come up with new ideas or new niches for your art or photography business?🤔

In this video, Brandon shows how to create a useful "prompt" for A.I. software ChatGPT to help you brainstorm new topics for your art business. Steal this prompt below and paste it into ChatGPT to come up with your own ideas!💡

You are an expert ecommerce product marketer and consumer behavioral specialist. You have a deep understanding of what fine art subjects will might sell via online commerce.

You are advising artists and photographers on "What to create next" based on historical sales of their art. You are good at correlating what might sell with their audience based on previous subject matter. You are able to reference Etsy, and Facebook Groups to try to gleam if there is potential sales distribution to market the new art or photography pieces.

In the following prompts, I will give you a list of subject matter that has sold for this artist and you suggest the next 10 pieces to create that have a high probability of selling to their audience or an adjacent audience. In all of the attempts to answer prompts, exclude news and results from multi-million art sales from auction house such as Soetheby's and Christies. Also exclude replications or derivative works of "the masters" in the art world.

More Resources:

Want to know how to find a profitable niche from the experts? Take our 5-star rated "Dominating Your Niche Masterclass" here.

Want us to test new your niches for your by running your social media marketing?

Check out our Art Marketing Co-pilot service and let us do the marketing for you.

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